Do i spend £500 on a radeon 295x2 or a gtx 980 extreme edition


Dec 29, 2014
both the cards are the same price. surely the radeon is the best buy as it has more memory? sorry if im being naïve here, I am a pc noob lol .
The 970 is designed for 1440p, so it's somewhat overkill for 1080p. It should run a single monitor at 144Hz at 1080p. So a single 980 or 2-way 970 is probably over-kill. As for the 295x2, that's for 4k really. It's waaay overkill and it's also a ridiculously hot card. Don't do 3-way or 4-way SLI...ever. It causes micro-stutter in games and it's extremely annoying. For £500 I would do either SLI Zotac 970s or a single 980.

Yup, Can you tell us what resolution your monitor(s) is.
I have a iiyama 24 inch 144hz 1080p. Ive got around 1000 to spend i might spend 500 on a better monitor. All i want is FPS . The morw the better. I have a 1000 watt be quiet power supply. Thought about 970 in sli but heard about the coil whine. Or would 2x asus mars 760 cards be better? 4 gig on each ...quad sli?
The 970 is designed for 1440p, so it's somewhat overkill for 1080p. It should run a single monitor at 144Hz at 1080p. So a single 980 or 2-way 970 is probably over-kill. As for the 295x2, that's for 4k really. It's waaay overkill and it's also a ridiculously hot card. Don't do 3-way or 4-way SLI...ever. It causes micro-stutter in games and it's extremely annoying. For £500 I would do either SLI Zotac 970s or a single 980.