Do Linux PCs need different hardware then a Windows PC?


Dec 6, 2013
I have decided to build a Linux PC using Ubuntu. I have built a computer before so I know how to pick out parts, but that computer was a Windows PC. I just wanted to know if I was going to build a Linux PC would the parts be the same as a Widows PC and would installing the OS be similar, like having the OS on a disk or flash drive and installing it. If anyone knows the answer please reply. Any links to sites that would help would be good to. Thanks!
Linux based operating systems don't require any sort of "special" hardware. You may have a hard time though installing the gpu drivers (which is not important unless you are gaming). In case you want more specialized help you could attend the Ununtu Community Forum...
Linux based operating systems don't require any sort of "special" hardware. You may have a hard time though installing the gpu drivers (which is not important unless you are gaming). In case you want more specialized help you could attend the Ununtu Community Forum...
Installing the OS is mostly the same. Put the DVD in, boot, and follow the prompts.

As far as hardware? That depends on what you need it do do, just like windows. For Linux, you might have to investigate a little more as far as driver compatibility.
But mostly, a PC is a PC.