Do silent 60Hz monitors even exist?


Dec 19, 2013
I recently got the Benq GW2760 and it's making a high pitched noise which is quite annoying if the room is silent. Turning down the brightness increases that noise. I know this is a widespread issue, can anyone point me to a place where I could find out about whether this is in some way avoidable? I don't rly have a budget for a >60hz screen. Do you know if the noise would get louder with larger screen sizes?
I've been using an old 22" HP monitor for 6 years and it has never made any sounds.
So no, a modern quality monitor shouldn't make any noises.
Hmm is that true even if the environment is 100% silent and you put your ear close to the monitor? (I know that other people have this problem with monitors as well, especially the cheaper ones)
I've never had a monitor make any noise even with a room with 30 of them (the PCs themselves have no fans). Do you use a surge protector on your power leads, maybe it's rough power that is causing an issue.