Do these components fit together?

While they would physically work together, there are some choices that could be improved significantly.

- It doesn't make sense to be on an older platform, especially because you're not getting any price benefit. An i5-8600k, that can be purchased for €100 less isn't actually outperformed by any significant margin by an i7-7700k. Intel added cores in that generation, so the 8600k is a 6 core/6 thread while the 7700k is a 4 core/8 thread.

A 7700k would make sense over a Coffee Lake if you already *had* a Z270 motherboard, but considering you're purchasing a B350, it appears that you do not.

- You selected a motherboard that can't overclock, which means paying extra for the unlocked multiplier of a 7700k is more or less a waste of...
In terms of compatibility, everything is fine.
Just consider getting another cooler because the HyperX 212 Evo is very marginal for the i7 7700k unless you are only going to be browsing all the time. My suggestions are : and
While they would physically work together, there are some choices that could be improved significantly.

- It doesn't make sense to be on an older platform, especially because you're not getting any price benefit. An i5-8600k, that can be purchased for €100 less isn't actually outperformed by any significant margin by an i7-7700k. Intel added cores in that generation, so the 8600k is a 6 core/6 thread while the 7700k is a 4 core/8 thread.

A 7700k would make sense over a Coffee Lake if you already *had* a Z270 motherboard, but considering you're purchasing a B350, it appears that you do not.

- You selected a motherboard that can't overclock, which means paying extra for the unlocked multiplier of a 7700k is more or less a waste of money. You either ought to get a locked CPU for less money, or a Z270 motherboard (Z370 if you go to the next generation).

- The Hyper 212 EVO was a go-to budget cooler choice in its time, but it's been eclipsed over the last five years or so by many other budget coolers. The Cryorig H7 is a better performer and has now taken the Hyper 212's spot as the reliable "default" budget suggestion.

That does work better, but I'd still suggest a Coffee Lake i5 as the superior platform option.