[SOLVED] Do these ram sticks work with these motherboards

Refer to the applicable motherboard's respective User Guides/Manuals.

The manuals provide two sets of information: what RAM modules are supported and how the RAM should be physically installed. Including slot placement and the order in which placement should be done.

In many cases the motherboard's User Manual will refer you back to the motherboard's manufacturer's website.

Two reasons:

1) There have been updates that are not in the User Manual. (Or corrections to errors in the Manual.)

2) There may be changes depending on version/revision of the motherboard model.

You must pay attention to the notes and fine print. Details matter.

But always be aware that the documentation and/or claims may contain errors.

RAM does not work...
Refer to the applicable motherboard's respective User Guides/Manuals.

The manuals provide two sets of information: what RAM modules are supported and how the RAM should be physically installed. Including slot placement and the order in which placement should be done.

In many cases the motherboard's User Manual will refer you back to the motherboard's manufacturer's website.

Two reasons:

1) There have been updates that are not in the User Manual. (Or corrections to errors in the Manual.)

2) There may be changes depending on version/revision of the motherboard model.

You must pay attention to the notes and fine print. Details matter.

But always be aware that the documentation and/or claims may contain errors.

RAM does not work when it should (as claimed) or some RAM works even if it is not listed as "supported".

And if you plan to overclock, be all the more careful.

Another suggestion: you can go to RAM manufacturer websites (e.g., Kingston, PNY, Samsung) and check their respective memory configurators. A consensus with regards to any particular motherboard and supported RAM configurations is a good sign that the desired/required RAM will work.
I bought the same exact ones the only reason im worried about it because im switching to amd and i wanted to make sure this ram will be good for the time being