Do you guys really go to online stores for hardware?


Jun 25, 2007
I've been to few website like newegg or sites that have ads on tom's hw

They are really expensive! WOW
Is it because of tax?
Or you guys usually go to local stores?
New Egg expensive? I guess it depends what you are buying.
If you are going to NewEgg for HOME speakers... then...

Anyway, The smart shopers uses sites like PRICEWATCH.COM to find the best price / reliability of the site.... and comparison shops!

If you say expensive? Example?
By looking at the video cards , just pick the one they seems promoting , the 2900XT
I found that local shop sell it @ 396 which'll be cheaper if you ask in the shop
while , newegg is selling it @419

I got twenty something dollar to save if I bought it from a local shop :roll:

another example, Sapphire ATI Radeon X1950PRO 512MB which I currently own

$175 @ newegg
$180.2 @ pricewatch
$173 @ local

not big difference but still not competitive plus I get it immediately
Why most people hate to buy computer stuff on ebay? sometimes it can be very cheap....

I don't know about bad product as I haven't got any bad experience with things I bought from ebay.
Then you're EXTREMELY lucky to have computer parts so cheap. 100% of the time it's cheaper for me to get the parts online from or similar. Even with sales and such in my area at best they'll tie with Newegg. It's a rarity for anyone to beat Newegg here. Most people don't have computer shops nearby like you. Lucky dog.
Local shops are generally only less expensive when something is on sale but as often as not even then it's not a really a high quality product although you can always get lucky
In United States because the labor cost quite expensive, the online store tends to get cheaper when compared to online pricing.

If you had ever travel to some countries with US$80-US$100 cost per month for an employee, you'll see that the store price is cheaper compared to online (because in such country the cost for Internet is dearer as well... 384Kbps unlimited broadband is somewhere between US$200-$400, while dial up is about US$1 per hour but with only 10-40Kbps speed) :roll:

The lucky thing with those countries are the maid. Maid cost you about US$40-US$50 per month, flexible 24/7 working hour.... and I've got three!! :lol:

Anyway... a bit out of topic... 😀
I meant 18 years old maid, 3 females serves you 24/7.... and Yes! they are only a dial away from the intercom.... 8)
I think I need a massage and there's a button for that.... :twisted:
and of course it's not in the basement.... I provide proper bedroom for them... for the kind of money I've paid, their daily meal is on me as well... Basically most of them is a good cooker so they eat what I eat.

In the afternoon, when I'm working out of the house, they can take some rest, watch tv, etc as long as the house chores is done.

Just imagine how can have black shiny shoes and fresh cleaned car every morning....

yeps, that what i do. saves at least 20-50 dollars normally.

oh yeah, my dad bought me some pc2 6400 ram corsair for 62 dollars. it was 512 mind you ( 4-4-4-15). next day i took that ram back and got my money back. bought 1 gig of ram for less than the 512mb. if i would have pushed out 10 more dollars ( 72) i could have got 2gb pc6400 4-4-4-12

newegg for example sells pc2 6400 36+ 4 dollars shipping.

then i saw someone buying a pentium d 930! I was laughing so much that i was about to start ROFLing! it charged him 220 for that thing.

newegg costs $173.00 free shipping ( no tax which i love).

you better go online to shop. going to computer stores are a rip off. unless you get uber discounts.

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