Question Do you have any tips for this build?

A UPS is not really needed, but it is nice to have.
You could buy a cheaper B450 motherboard and use the stock cooler if you want to save a buck. The stock cooler is sufficient.
The CX550M is a good budget power supply, but if you plan on upgrading GPU later you may want a higher wattage PSU.

You could get much better deals if you were to buy from other sites than just Amazon, and didn't want a particular color scheme.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU | AMD - Ryzen 7 2700 3.2 GHz 8-Core Processor | $224.89 @ OutletPC
Motherboard | ASRock - B450 Pro4 ATX AM4 Motherboard | $88.66 @ Newegg
Memory | ADATA - XPG GAMMIX D10 16 GB (2 x...
From what I can tell, what it comes down to is the Tomahawk has a massive heatsink on the VRM and an understated gray/black color scheme while the Gaming Plus has X470 chipset and all it's PCIe lanes for more PCIe slots, M.2 sockets, SATA ports...and oh yeah, a flashy red color scheme.

It appears to me it comes down to heatsink or connectivity...which is more important to you? ...or maybe which could you tolerate least being without?

I assume the price you can get for either is essentially the same.
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From what I can tell, what it comes down to is the Tomahawk has a massive heatsink on the VRM and an understated gray/black color scheme while the Gaming Plus has X470 chipset and all it's PCIe lanes for more PCIe slots, M.2 sockets, SATA ports...and oh yeah, a flashy red color scheme.

It appears to me it comes down to heatsink or connectivity...which is more important to you? ...or maybe which could you tolerate least being without?

I assume the price you can get for either is essentially the same.
Thanks, I think I'm going to go with the X470
A UPS is not really needed, but it is nice to have.
You could buy a cheaper B450 motherboard and use the stock cooler if you want to save a buck. The stock cooler is sufficient.
The CX550M is a good budget power supply, but if you plan on upgrading GPU later you may want a higher wattage PSU.

You could get much better deals if you were to buy from other sites than just Amazon, and didn't want a particular color scheme.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU | AMD - Ryzen 7 2700 3.2 GHz 8-Core Processor | $224.89 @ OutletPC
Motherboard | ASRock - B450 Pro4 ATX AM4 Motherboard | $88.66 @ Newegg
Memory | ADATA - XPG GAMMIX D10 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory | $79.99 @ Amazon
Storage | Intel - 660p Series 1 TB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive | $109.89 @ OutletPC
Storage | Hitachi - Deskstar 7K2000 2 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive | $46.89 @ Amazon
Video Card | Gigabyte - GeForce RTX 2070 8 GB WINDFORCE Video Card | $478.99 @ SuperBiiz
Case | Corsair - Carbide SPEC-04 (Black/Red) ATX Mid Tower Case | $29.99 @ Newegg
Power Supply | SeaSonic - FOCUS Plus Gold 550 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply | $50.98 @ Newegg
Operating System | Microsoft - Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit | $99.39 @ OutletPC
Monitor | BenQ - GL2460HM 24.0" 1920x1080 60 Hz Monitor | $119.99 @ Amazon
Other | Samsung 32GB BAR USB 3.0 Flash Drive (MUF-32BA/AM) | $16.99 @ Amazon
| Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts |
| Total (before mail-in rebates) | $1396.65
| Mail-in rebates | -$50.00
| Total | $1346.65
| Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-04-17 19:53 EDT-0400 |
This has a much faster Ryzen 7 2700 8 core CPU, much faster 1tb NVME SSD, much faster RTX 2070, and higher quality 80+ gold PSU, and comes in at $100 less.
I used the 2700s stock cooler as it is sufficient. I omitted the UPS. I used a cheaper motherboard that still has good quality and supports overclocking. I used comparable speed but cheaper ram. I used an identical capacity and speed HDD, but it's cheaper. Case is a good bit cheaper and still looks nice to me. If you want to swap it for your preferred case this list would still be cheaper than your list. Monitor and flash drive (I'm assuming it's for windows install) are same. Windows copy is the same, just cheaper.
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A UPS is not really needed, but it is nice to have.
You could buy a cheaper B450 motherboard and use the stock cooler if you want to save a buck. The stock cooler is sufficient.
The CX550M is a good budget power supply, but if you plan on upgrading GPU later you may want a higher wattage PSU.

You could get much better deals if you were to buy from other sites than just Amazon, and didn't want a particular color scheme.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU | AMD - Ryzen 7 2700 3.2 GHz 8-Core Processor | $224.89 @ OutletPC
Motherboard | ASRock - B450 Pro4 ATX AM4 Motherboard | $88.66 @ Newegg
Memory | ADATA - XPG GAMMIX D10 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory | $79.99 @ Amazon
Storage | Intel - 660p Series 1 TB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive | $109.89 @ OutletPC
Storage | Hitachi - Deskstar 7K2000 2 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive | $46.89 @ Amazon
Video Card | Gigabyte - GeForce RTX 2070 8 GB WINDFORCE Video Card | $478.99 @ SuperBiiz
Case | Corsair - Carbide SPEC-04 (Black/Red) ATX Mid Tower Case | $29.99 @ Newegg
Power Supply | SeaSonic - FOCUS Plus Gold 550 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply | $50.98 @ Newegg
Operating System | Microsoft - Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit | $99.39 @ OutletPC
Monitor | BenQ - GL2460HM 24.0" 1920x1080 60 Hz Monitor | $119.99 @ Amazon
Other | Samsung 32GB BAR USB 3.0 Flash Drive (MUF-32BA/AM) | $16.99 @ Amazon
| Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts |
| Total (before mail-in rebates) | $1396.65
| Mail-in rebates | -$50.00
| Total | $1346.65
| Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-04-17 19:53 EDT-0400 |
This has a much faster Ryzen 7 2700 8 core CPU, much faster 1tb NVME SSD, much faster RTX 2070, and higher quality 80+ gold PSU, and comes in at $100 less.
I used the 2700s stock cooler as it is sufficient. I omitted the UPS. I used a cheaper motherboard that still has good quality and supports overclocking. I used comparable speed but cheaper ram. I used an identical capacity and speed HDD, but it's cheaper. Case is a good bit cheaper and still looks nice to me. If you want to swap it for your preferred case this list would still be cheaper than your list. Monitor and flash drive (I'm assuming it's for windows install) are same. Windows copy is the same, just cheaper.
Thanks that helps a lot.
I have one question though I feel the 2070 doesn't have a dramatic increase in performance for the extra price is it really worth it instead of the 2060?
The RTX 2070 will see around a 25% increase in fps over an RTX 2060. So if the RTX 2060 got around 100fps in a game you could expect the 2070 to get around 125 fps.
Value depends on what you want out of a card. The 2070 also has 8gb ram vs 6gb of the 2060 and the 2070 will perform much better when using RTX. Point of diminishing return comes in here.
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Reactions: Mr.Sniff
A UPS is not really needed, but it is nice to have.
You could buy a cheaper B450 motherboard and use the stock cooler if you want to save a buck. The stock cooler is sufficient.
The CX550M is a good budget power supply, but if you plan on upgrading GPU later you may want a higher wattage PSU.

You could get much better deals if you were to buy from other sites than just Amazon, and didn't want a particular color scheme.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU | AMD - Ryzen 7 2700 3.2 GHz 8-Core Processor | $224.89 @ OutletPC
Motherboard | ASRock - B450 Pro4 ATX AM4 Motherboard | $88.66 @ Newegg
Memory | ADATA - XPG GAMMIX D10 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory | $79.99 @ Amazon
Storage | Intel - 660p Series 1 TB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive | $109.89 @ OutletPC
Storage | Hitachi - Deskstar 7K2000 2 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive | $46.89 @ Amazon
Video Card | Gigabyte - GeForce RTX 2070 8 GB WINDFORCE Video Card | $478.99 @ SuperBiiz
Case | Corsair - Carbide SPEC-04 (Black/Red) ATX Mid Tower Case | $29.99 @ Newegg
Power Supply | SeaSonic - FOCUS Plus Gold 550 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply | $50.98 @ Newegg
Operating System | Microsoft - Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit | $99.39 @ OutletPC
Monitor | BenQ - GL2460HM 24.0" 1920x1080 60 Hz Monitor | $119.99 @ Amazon
Other | Samsung 32GB BAR USB 3.0 Flash Drive (MUF-32BA/AM) | $16.99 @ Amazon
| Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts |
| Total (before mail-in rebates) | $1396.65
| Mail-in rebates | -$50.00
| Total | $1346.65
| Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-04-17 19:53 EDT-0400 |
This has a much faster Ryzen 7 2700 8 core CPU, much faster 1tb NVME SSD, much faster RTX 2070, and higher quality 80+ gold PSU, and comes in at $100 less.
I used the 2700s stock cooler as it is sufficient. I omitted the UPS. I used a cheaper motherboard that still has good quality and supports overclocking. I used comparable speed but cheaper ram. I used an identical capacity and speed HDD, but it's cheaper. Case is a good bit cheaper and still looks nice to me. If you want to swap it for your preferred case this list would still be cheaper than your list. Monitor and flash drive (I'm assuming it's for windows install) are same. Windows copy is the same, just cheaper.
I would like to note that in my opinion you rarely save that much from amazon vs anywhere. 90% of the time it is just a 10cents difference and rarely exceeds upwards of 1 dollar