Do you know how often AMD/Nvidia bundle games with there GPU?


May 10, 2013
Does anyone know how often these bundles happen, or what the best time to purchase a GPU upgrade would be?

I want to upgrade (but don't need too) and want to get the best bang for my buck.

If you find a bundle you like just get it. The good ones never repeat, but cheap MOBA things will crop up frequently, and its limited supply. They only have so many keys to give away.

There's no real guarantee about the "cheapest" price for new but the black friday is your best bet that someone will offer an nice deal. The only thing cheaper is desperation sales if a particular card isn't doing so hot, but that isn't happening with any of the current cards judging by their persistently high prices.
It happens frequently but he quality of game is random and the duration of the offer is short.

Black Friday. Other than that sales are random.

If you want best bang for you buck buy refurbs/used. If you don't want to trust ebay then check out EVGAs B-Stock listing.

Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately, I am interested in getting the RX 480, and they are just giving a $20 coupon for the deluxe version of BF1 (which I have no interest in). Maybe I will stalk NewEgg for a while until a good promo comes up.

Thanks for the tip!

If I don't need to upgrade my GPU, is it better for me to wait for Black Friday and order the part, or if I find one bundled with a game I want go ahead and get it?
If you find a bundle you like just get it. The good ones never repeat, but cheap MOBA things will crop up frequently, and its limited supply. They only have so many keys to give away.

There's no real guarantee about the "cheapest" price for new but the black friday is your best bet that someone will offer an nice deal. The only thing cheaper is desperation sales if a particular card isn't doing so hot, but that isn't happening with any of the current cards judging by their persistently high prices.

Thanks for the tip, I really appreciate it!