Do you need more ram if the task manager doesn't go over the limit?

Bruno Vincent

Mar 23, 2015
I use task manager to see how high my RAM goes does some tasks like opening multiple tabs etc...

I have 6 GIGs of RAM in old laptop with SSD Samsung and Pentium B950.

Now I have noticed that after opening about 30 tabs my ram gets close to 6, like about 5.94 and so on.

Does this mean that my need is about 6 gigs?

Would I benefit from 16 or is it just wasting 10 gigs or RAM just "waiting" there?
computer uses what you give it.

you may exceed that 6GB because windows will pagefile the rest.
pagefile = a file put on your hdd/ssd that 'emulates' RAM just very slowly. prefetch and superfetch are programs that goto this file first, before looking for stuff on the hdd/ssd. information in RAM and pagefile show as availible memory in your resource monitor.

This is a reason for NOT turning off pagefile.

you have ssd, so a pagefile on it (though reducing lifespan of the drive) will work relatively as fast as your RAM (relative means about 10x slower, but better than a hdd which would be 50x or more slower / inaccurate but to highlight the difference)

the benifit of 16GB RAM is so that you can play a game (in RAM) and browse the web...
computer uses what you give it.

you may exceed that 6GB because windows will pagefile the rest.
pagefile = a file put on your hdd/ssd that 'emulates' RAM just very slowly. prefetch and superfetch are programs that goto this file first, before looking for stuff on the hdd/ssd. information in RAM and pagefile show as availible memory in your resource monitor.

This is a reason for NOT turning off pagefile.

you have ssd, so a pagefile on it (though reducing lifespan of the drive) will work relatively as fast as your RAM (relative means about 10x slower, but better than a hdd which would be 50x or more slower / inaccurate but to highlight the difference)

the benifit of 16GB RAM is so that you can play a game (in RAM) and browse the web (in RAM), whilst skyping/discord (in RAM) whilst watching a video about how to clear a level (in RAM - buffered stream) ...
if you have 6GB, every time you swap between the game/video/maybe web browser; your computer will be using pagefile and you will notice a small 'lag' when switching. 16GB will be plenty and switching between everything will be almost instant (as its all in RAM and none in pagefile)