Do you prefer Windows 7 to Windows 10? Why?

Rafael Mestdag

Mar 25, 2014
I'm currently triple booting Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 but mostly I've been using 10 and 7. I love the way Windows 10 is so modern and easy to use, it's fast, functional and capable and it's going to get better and better with time.

But no matter how much I use it and like it, I keep getting back to windows 7 and every time I come back(like now) I can't help but admire how functional, compatible and maybe a little above all, how beautiful it is.

I know Windows 10's design is a consequence of the phone and tablet world that's currently ruling, but as a PC OS, in my opinion, Windows 7 is simply perfect, it's got everything a good PC OS needs and to top it off, the beautiful design which unfortunately I don't think MS are going to bring back again ever.

I'm sad about it because in my opinion and I think most PC users agree, Windows 7 is still the best OS ever released by MS.

What about you, why are you still using Windows 7? Do you think Windows 10 is ever going to be as good an OS as 7 in terms of design?
I don't have a preference, I like both. I'll keep 7 on my 3 year old desktop, and I'm perfectly happy with 10 on my 7 month old laptop. Neither one is broken, so I see no reason to try to fix either. Making unnecessary changes just gives Murphy a chance to break things.

Ok, I too agree that Windows 10 is a more evolved OS in every respect, but I also think that most Windows users would rather see Windows 10 with Windows 7's design, then 10 would be perfect in my opinion. I hope MS do it someday in the future.

its not likely that ms will do that.actually going from 7 to 10 was easy for me,and i dont take well to change.LOL.
Well I stuck with windows 7, personally I don`t like a windows Os that collects data about you, and your activity's.
or the fact that depending on the version you have of windows 10 there are some things you cannot change. Updates for example.

I have seen cases where windows 10 installs an update only to foul it`s self up by doing so, the reasons why are bellow.

But I have been a user of windows OS software since the days of windows 95.
An I find that I do something in windows 7 far more quicker than in windows 10.

But I have learned when it comes to using a new OS created by MS that even months after the Initial release of it to the public domain there will be a wide section of people with systems where the new OS will not function 100% of the time as expected, possibility hardware incompatibility since Pc`s have such a great hardware mix of components.

It always takes time even after the Initial release of a new OS to iron out any flaws in the OS due to that factor Rafael.

In fact a few months ago I used 10 for about two weeks.
But then resorted back to windows 7 on the exact same grounds as stated above.
And found windows 7 due to the amount of time it has been around more stable.

Thing is you can dress a OS up as fancy as you like with bling bling features.
But the functionality and the layout of it is key to the amount of work and production you get from using the OS.
There were a lot of changes to the way things were accessed in windows 10, where often it would take me less clicks of the mouse ect to get to the same option or point, or program to run on windows 7.

Like I said it does not matter how a OS looks, but the key is how it performs.

And if you can perform the same action on one OS where it takes more click or sub menus ect to get to the same point or program well that is not going forward at all simplicity is often more efficient.

All windows 10 is for me, is few extra features and graphical tweaks to how the OS is presented to you, with things moved around put in slightly different places ect, with a few gimmicks.

There is and old saying if it works, and does it`s job why the need to change it ?

MS did a pretty good job of ramming windows 10 down the faces of users of windows 7 and 8.
And the fear of windows 10 being another fail in my eyes was the whole point of offering it for a limited time as a free upgrade for windows 7 and 8 users.

I make my own choices on what is best, not be told something is.
And I don`t like the aspect of an OS collecting your habits or other information. If your a average day to day user of the software.

Or any other possible information about you, I think it breaches civil rights.
Big brother watching you, with the potential to sell the data collected to make money.

I agree with the point of Windows 7 being simpler, where you achieve a certain task with a lesser number of clicks than you do within Windows 10. And that Win10 is taking the opportunity of its launch and the fact that they're here to stay to use the users in order to get as much info and money out of them as possible.

All of the above makes me believe Windows 7 is still the best OS by M$(not to mention the looks which are way better in Windows 7).
The same thing people said about Windows xp, when there already was Windows Vista(crap) and Windows 7.
I personally prefered Win 7, than Win 8, I had both of them and used them equally but the 7 was my favorite, but then the Windows 10 came out, In my view, i look at Win 10 as Windows 7+Windows 8= Windows 10, there are the same cool features that was in windows 7, but wasn't in 8, we got back our start button, so think about Windows 10 as the upgraded version of Windows 7, think of it as you were going to the gym for two years, it's the same You, but in better version bigger stronger. that's my personal opinion, don't take it too seriously :) I'm out!
I don't have a preference, I like both. I'll keep 7 on my 3 year old desktop, and I'm perfectly happy with 10 on my 7 month old laptop. Neither one is broken, so I see no reason to try to fix either. Making unnecessary changes just gives Murphy a chance to break things.