Just bought/watched a pretty good documentary called "Earth 2100." As you can imagine, it is about what is in store for us and the planet in the decades preceding 2100, i.e. climate change, civilizations gone, scarce resources, etc... In other words, hell on Earth unless we change. No, I'm not hippie-liberal-the world will end kind of person, but I am the kind of person that expects the worse, which anything short of that is gravy to me (i.e. I'm a pessimist times 1000). Do I believe that the climate is changing? Yes, yes I do. But I don't believe that it is all our fault, but rather a half and half situation. Science has told us that the Earth has undergone natural climatic changes in the past, which has led to extinctions and such and to a degree, that is what is happening now. I believe that we are in the 6th great extinction episode, but we're partly to blame for it. But we aren't helping things in our ways, especially Americans (I'm an American) and Western Europe, i.e. hastening what Robert Malthusian called his theory on overpopulation and such (Malthusian Hell).
If any of it comes to fruition, I thank god that I'm not going to to live to see 2100 (I'd be 114-115 and frankly, I don't have the genes for that, even if I adopted a fully healthy lifestyle). If I make it that long, someone, please shoot me. 😉
In short, the documentary covers a lot, but its good. I believe that it is on youtube, but I'm not going to provide an address out of the fact that it's probably a copyright violation.
Let the debate begin!
If any of it comes to fruition, I thank god that I'm not going to to live to see 2100 (I'd be 114-115 and frankly, I don't have the genes for that, even if I adopted a fully healthy lifestyle). If I make it that long, someone, please shoot me. 😉
In short, the documentary covers a lot, but its good. I believe that it is on youtube, but I'm not going to provide an address out of the fact that it's probably a copyright violation.
Let the debate begin!