Documentary: Earth 2100

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Just bought/watched a pretty good documentary called "Earth 2100." As you can imagine, it is about what is in store for us and the planet in the decades preceding 2100, i.e. climate change, civilizations gone, scarce resources, etc... In other words, hell on Earth unless we change. No, I'm not hippie-liberal-the world will end kind of person, but I am the kind of person that expects the worse, which anything short of that is gravy to me (i.e. I'm a pessimist times 1000). Do I believe that the climate is changing? Yes, yes I do. But I don't believe that it is all our fault, but rather a half and half situation. Science has told us that the Earth has undergone natural climatic changes in the past, which has led to extinctions and such and to a degree, that is what is happening now. I believe that we are in the 6th great extinction episode, but we're partly to blame for it. But we aren't helping things in our ways, especially Americans (I'm an American) and Western Europe, i.e. hastening what Robert Malthusian called his theory on overpopulation and such (Malthusian Hell).

If any of it comes to fruition, I thank god that I'm not going to to live to see 2100 (I'd be 114-115 and frankly, I don't have the genes for that, even if I adopted a fully healthy lifestyle). If I make it that long, someone, please shoot me. 😉

In short, the documentary covers a lot, but its good. I believe that it is on youtube, but I'm not going to provide an address out of the fact that it's probably a copyright violation.

Let the debate begin!
With the earth's core being several million degrees space heaters everywhere will be turned off saving the world from any impending energy crisis related doom. Besides Government motors has the Volt which should run on two Everready AA's by 2012 after the massive 2010 stimulus comes full circle or else.

ummm letters of the alphabet? rofl /sarcasm

back to the op... yeah I agree that climate is changing but I believe it is a natural occurrence that happens whether we are here or not.. the sahara desert was under water just 20k years ago.. the earth wobbles and when it does, climate changes helped along by other forces ie the suns normal 11 year cycle. I tend to keep an eye on what is going on but live my life anyway fascinated that we could become extinct caused by all kinds of things. whether it be an asteroid, collision with another planetary body, colliding with another black hole, the sun engulfing our planet as it turns into a red giant, colliding with another galaxy and being flung into our own black hole, or thrown out into space to die a cold death.. it will happen regardless unless we can populate other solar systems.. it is not a question of if, but is all the natural cycle of the universe
You forgot gama rays
Life may change, but were the people of the 18th century unable to live happy lives?
With the knowledge weve gained, it still wouldnt get that bad, and if its time , then its time anyways
I just hope it doesnt turn into a Illustrated Man syndrome
what gets me is radio waves, light, xrays infrared, ultra violet, microwaves etc are all electromagnetic radiation, i would not be surprised that gravity is as well
O yes, we could be killed off by tons of things and really it's a waste of time thinking about it all. I was rather "fond" of the movie "Knowing," which perpetrated the sun as killing off all life on Earth due to a solar storm of sorts. Could it happen? Sure. But if it were, my guess is that it would happen in a few billion years as it exits its "main sequence phase." None the less, the sun is quite fascinating. Think about it: We see all the stars at night (depending on where you live), but we really don't know what they look like or looked like up close. Yet, we have our own star roughly 93 million miles away, with its own distinct "personality" and behavior. I find it amazing. I've especially enjoyed the high res photos being sent back from SOHO.


Yes, I know it's by ABC, but it does bring some good points to the table. The thing is, no source is ever going to be unbiased, for news or otherwise. It's a matter of what kind of bias you prefer. For my news, I prefer CNN and occasionally MSNBC. It will be a cold day in a bad place when I watch Fox News, much less believe any of it😀
Buwish I am not kidding now. Get this. I stopped watching CNN news in 2004, six years ago. MSNBC in 2006, four years ago. So think about what your statement, "for my news I prefer CNN and occasionally MSNBC." means to an old man like me. FOX news was created during the Clinton administration to offer an alternative to Clinton News Network CNN's highly liberal bias and newscasts. That is a fact. It's little FOX news against big liberal media CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and so on. I got a good laugh over that statement and you probably hate me. :lol:
I was just thinking you were a kid (teenager) when Clinton was president. So very much occured in politics before you experienced the drama first hand. I was born during Eisenhower's administration, then Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter and Reagan. Nixon was president when I was in high school and the Vietnam war was at it's peak. Watergate happened a few months before I graduated from high school. The 60's were violent times and not so unlike today's times, but not as violent today. I think that could change. When I was 25 years old Carter became president and a depression ensued. I am anything but a political mind, but I was just thinking. You were not even born when the Iranian hostages were held until the minute Reagan took office to be released to him and not carter. Carter was a liberal bute. Much like Obama. One termer. Now you really hate me. :)
By that time humans will have a fully functional colony in Mars,Moon or some other planet.Also global warming is the real killer.And the only way to stop it is by using fusion to create the power of the Sun right here on the Earth.Not only it will provide clean unlimited energy but will also stop the war between rich and poor.

Our race can become extinct in so many ways starting from gamma ray brust,nearby super nova,comet,earthquake,volcano and what not.We people fight with each other for superiority but till date science is yet to come up with an extinction proof technology.We are so insignificant in this vast cosmos.No one knows we even exist.

Actually, I believe the ultimate power is the same that Tsla was working on.. his inventions and theories were way beyond where we are even today. let me give you a link to some of his work..Faraday actually used Tesla's work to make the Faraday cage. it is said that even gravity can be counter acted. his research was amazing and I would love to have the means to continue his work. ( ignore the name of the site..the works and theories are real)

Nah, I don't hate ya.😉 Most tend to get more conservative as they get older, so it's nothing ground breaking. My folks, extended family and their friends all watch Fox News, so it's nothing new for me. I know that most of the media is liberal and why Fox News was created, which is understandable, as someone out there has to tote the conservative line. I don't like it, but they have as much of a right as the rest of the networks to use their air time to promote an ideology and the candidates that support it.

No doubt Fox News scored more viewers on Election Night. After all, most of the country, from state houses to the House went red, so it's pretty reasonable to think that those interested watched Fox News.

Remember badge, I have degrees in political science and history, so I'm familiar with what you mentioned. :sol:
Back to the sun thing for a moment:

Perhaps we'll have colonies on Mars someday in the future when the sun starts acting up. Trouble is, who knows if we'll be around as a species to even get there.

One thing that I've always wondered is when young kids figure out that the sun is indeed a star and not some random giant light in the sky. A few years ago I was watching my young cousin, who was 5 at the time (first cousin- she was an "ooops" 😀). So, she comes up to me and says, "Kevin, I have a question." So, I'm thinking of saying, 'ask your parents' if its something I don't want to answer. Luckily, she asks the simple question, "What's the sun?" So, I tell her it's a star, like the ones you see at night. Of course, I then had to try and explain the concept of distance in millions, billions, and trillions of miles to her in a way she'd get. She didn't, but at least she figured out the sun is a star.

[/random story badge style]😉
Ahhh, the subtleties of age
Ever wonder why teenagers are hard to deal with?
Ever wonder why what you percieve as an easy thing, they just dont get it?
Just a few thoughts
Brought to you by,
The Sage of Age
Ever wonder why "liberals are younger?
Ever wonder why they want some entity (government) to take care of them?
Ever wonder why theyre soooo hard on those "old, religious type, conservatives", yet have tons of room for people of their own ilk?
Dont kids say "they just dont get it", and thus band together? Allow for more room for mistakes, since its based on either imaturity or inexperience?

Excerpt from the
Sage of Age Saga

Wow, an amazing answer. +1 :)

My daughter is 23. She will get her Master's in Psycholgy next year and become a licensed therapist at 24 when she finishes serving an apprenticeshup as a therapist. She just had her first client/patient a couple of weeks ago serving the apprenticeship. 3000 hours of work in the end I believe to set for the license. You youngsters. What an incredibally intelligent bunch you are. 😉

Absolutely. I most definately grew more conservative asI grew older. I like the conservatives these days. Can't say that for the enemy.
+1 JD. You certainly provide strong and interesting conversation on the subject of politics. I enjoy hearing your 'solid' viewpoints very much. I think Reagan had the biggest influence on me. I was a young [strike]moron[/strike] liberal minded [strike]twit [/strike] young adult once too.
Reagan and his ideals and policies are the root of the modern Republican Party, no doubt about that. For the GOP, he was a much needed "refresher" after Watergate and such.

I've always enjoyed Bill Clinton, even though I wasn't old enough to vote for him both times he ran, I've always agreed with his politics and his personality. Love him or hate him, he's still a very popular individual in the Democratic Party and with independents. He's one of very very few presidents to see their approval rating actually go up in their second term, which if I recall, was around 66% by the time he left office.
Clinton is the only recent president to balance the budget! Clinton was, however, atrocious at foreign policy. Clinton making the agreement with N. Korea to build N. Korea a necleur power plant in exchange for their promise to discontinue a nucleur weapons development program was plain and simple stoopid. Clinton also farted around in Iraq which I have documented. Only Jimmy Carter was worse. Reagan was much more effective in foreign policy. Much.
Yeah, foreign affairs has never been the strong suit of Democratic presidents, no doubt about that, at least those after FDR.

My theory on North Korea is simple: If and when they tick the Chinese off to the point where they "disown" them, the "Dear Leader" or whoever is in charge then is done. Of course, who knows when the Chinese will disown them, if ever, but it could happen if they keep screwing up by randomly torpedoing South Korean ships. Without the Chinese, it'll give the South Koreans (and us, I suppose) carte-blanch to invade whenever they want. But with the Chinese behind them for the time being, we (the US) won't risk another fight with the Chinese like the draw in the Korean War. I dare say that China probably wouldn't be an issue today or at least a US pawn if MacArthur had received permission to use tactical nukes like he wanted.
Wow. Totally agree. :) And I highly value your observation and analysis. Exactly. :)

* Note I have had discussions on other forums on the matter of China backed N. Korea, Clinton policy regarding N. Korea, etc. and was not received very well. But, those who questioned the subject were leaning off the edge.
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