Obviously, 1080p doesn't look as good as 1440p, but does 1080p on a 1440p monitor look worse than 1080p on a 1080p? If so, how much worse? would there be a significant, "i didn't have to try and see the difference" difference if the 1440p monitor @ 1080p was placed next to a 1080p monitor @ 1080p?
I intend to play 7680x1440 on some older games (using a 6700k/1080), like doom 3, AOE II and GTA 4, as well as modern but less demanding games like insurgency. Then, since i don't mind 1080p, and i prefer max @1080 vs med @ 1440, assuming 1080p doesn't look bad on a 1440p monitor, when i decide to play battlefield 1, i can just lower the resolution (until i've saved enough to enter the sweet realm of SLI)
So, if 1080p on a 1440p monitor doesn't look as good as 1080p on a 1080p monitor, how much worse does it look? is it significant? is it bad enough to void my idea? or do people just think it looks worse than it does because they just stepped down from 1440p?
I intend to play 7680x1440 on some older games (using a 6700k/1080), like doom 3, AOE II and GTA 4, as well as modern but less demanding games like insurgency. Then, since i don't mind 1080p, and i prefer max @1080 vs med @ 1440, assuming 1080p doesn't look bad on a 1440p monitor, when i decide to play battlefield 1, i can just lower the resolution (until i've saved enough to enter the sweet realm of SLI)
So, if 1080p on a 1440p monitor doesn't look as good as 1080p on a 1080p monitor, how much worse does it look? is it significant? is it bad enough to void my idea? or do people just think it looks worse than it does because they just stepped down from 1440p?