Does 16ms ping = see players move in 60fps


Apr 24, 2018
If Im getting 16ms ping does that mean that I see other players movements 60 times per second, for example, my ping in Counter Strike, is 180, does that mean I see other players move 5fps?? If you dont understand please let me know.
No. Ping isn't related to FPS. Game engines and servers handle ping differently from game to game.

For most modern games, what you have is ping prediction. So if your ping is high, the computer will make an educated guess as to where the player will be in the future. But it's not perfect.

However, when you have this ping/player movement prediction at lower pings like 60, your multiplayer experience should be seamless.

Doctor Rob

Jul 21, 2008
think about ping as an echo you would hear if you were outside and you shout and hear your own voice bounced back after a second. the longer the echo takes to get back to you the longer the ping is. so lower is better on the ping.