Does a 2nd monitor decrease performance?


Nov 18, 2018
So I am getting a RTX 2080 TI, upgrading from a 1060 6GB in a few months. I was thinking about buying
a 144 hz 2k monitor, and keeping my current 144 hz 1080p monitor, was wondering how much would the performance of the gpu be affected, considering that I have a I7 8700k, and the gpu will have 11Gb of Vram, and i also have 16 gigs of 3200 speed ram.I don t intend to be multitasking in a demanding way, but like just leaving spotify open or facebook, idk,
and it would help out alot while steaming, like now thqt i think about it i can do all kind of stuff with it.
Ty <3
You're already upping the GPU in tandem with your monitor upgrade. You've got nothing to worry about 😉 In terms of streaming, while on one system, dual monitors will help as you have chat and probable social media on the secondary display while you game on the primary like most popular streamers.
You're already upping the GPU in tandem with your monitor upgrade. You've got nothing to worry about 😉 In terms of streaming, while on one system, dual monitors will help as you have chat and probable social media on the secondary display while you game on the primary like most popular streamers.