Does a USB Switch exist?


Jul 16, 2016
i have to plug in 10 12 iPads constantly at work. We currently use a powered USB Hub to handle this but it comes with some problems(packet loss, port failure, etc). I would like to use a USB switch(like an ethernet switch) but can't find one online. Do they exist?

I have seen the USB "switches" that work by manually switching ports using a physical slider but that is not what I'm looking for.

Still unsure what you are thinking the difference is.

An ethernet Hub broadcasts all the packets to all the devices, and they figure it out
An ethernet switch knows which device is supposed to get...
A USB 'hub' is the same thing as an ethernet 'switch', just for USB.

Either get a better quality one, or try multiple ones plugged into multiple USB ports on te PC.
Likely you are overloading that hub, because it is also trying to charge all those iPads at the same time.

You're thinking of an ethernet HUB, not a switch. The difference is the switch has processors for every port (that help with packet loss, transmission control, etc) the hub does not. A USB switch would be amazing in my case. Doers one like that exist?


Still unsure what you are thinking the difference is.

An ethernet Hub broadcasts all the packets to all the devices, and they figure it out
An ethernet switch knows which device is supposed to get which packets.

USB is altogether different.
A standard multiport USB hub is pretty much the same as an ethernet switch. Each device only gets whatever stuff it is supposed to.

Your issue is power. You are trying to power too many iPads off a single USB port.

What do you presume a USB "switch" would do that a USB "hub" does not do?
(if such a thing existed, which it doesn't)