does airport security x-ray emit a lot of harmful radiation?


Apr 20, 2013
I mean the "door gate" , where the human has to go through, does it emit a lot of harmful radiation? or could we "absorb" a lot of it?

A friend of mine who is a dentist, he said if I am worried about these radiation, then I shouldn't eat because a lot of food contain radiation too.

But are those radiation the same as those natural radiation emitted by the food ?
The metal detectors are electromagnetic. So those aren't going to be harmful in any way. The body scanners are also electromagnetic. The only thing that actually uses low intensity X-rays is the bag scanner. That is shielded so that no one is getting anywhere near a dangerous exposure.

For the bad scanner, that scans my bag, and then I take it home, will there any radiation left or attached to the bag?

No, you have nothing to worry about.

I doubt.
When there was serious radiation leakage in Japan in 2011, everybody who came from Japan and flights who came from Japan need additional examination in the airport for radiation. Doesn't that mean radiation could be "brought" by people. In the similar way, if a bag goes through a bag scanner, won't it "carry" some extra radiation ??


When people talk about radiation getting onto things or people, they are talking about radioactive contamination, caused by radioactive particles like uranium, plutonium, or cesium. These elements can have very fine dust that is radioactive. Radioactive as in the decay of these atoms is throwing off harmful high energy particles. They can also replace calcium in bone structures causing cancers and such years from the time of exposure.

When we are talking about x-rays and such we are talking about a radiating source, like an antenna. There is no transfer of particulate or anything here. Just electromagnetic waves. So, while sticking your face in the x-ray machine a bunch of times can be dangerous to you, the radiation doesn't leave the machine. There is no contamination.

Radiation is one of those words used in so many ways that it becomes confusing, so I understand where you are coming from, but the truth is that there is no way that airport scanners are harmful to passengers. Perhaps instead of doubting us, ask why we say what we say. We will gladly explain ourselves.

They were being checked for radioactive particles. Dust, for example.

It's like if you take a bag outside into the sunshine. It doesn't carry that sunshine on it when you bring it inside.

Thank you. I understand quite well now.

by the way,

bag scanner possesses x-ray that may harm our body, but only very very little and very unlikely
metal detectors (door gate) does not possesses any radiation at all so there is NO radiation, not even a little bit.

Did I understand correctly ?