I've tried looking all over Google, but can't seem to find a solid answer. In our environment, we're implementing a new (well, the scanners are fairly old, but still reliable) scanning solution, and mostly everything functions normally. The problem I'm having is with making it so that all users automatically default to the custom "default profile" I've created under "Scanning Profiles" (Start>Devices & Printers>[right-click] your scanner>Scan Profiles), as well as "Import Settings." There aren't any driver issues, as the scanning itself works flawlessly. Does anyone know of a way to globally set this default profile, without having to manually log in as each user and change it?
OS=Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
Scanner=Fujitsu Flatbed fi-60F
OS=Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
Scanner=Fujitsu Flatbed fi-60F