L Lordsyke Prominent Dec 15, 2019 14 2 515 Dec 15, 2019 #1 Does anyone know of one? I for the life of me cannot find a compatible processor for the unsodered slot. I took all the chips I could out of a gameboy color and put them inside the gameboy pocket however the processor is not compatible!
Does anyone know of one? I for the life of me cannot find a compatible processor for the unsodered slot. I took all the chips I could out of a gameboy color and put them inside the gameboy pocket however the processor is not compatible!
DSzymborski Curmudgeon Pursuivant Moderator Nov 19, 2010 21,125 5,271 106,640 Dec 15, 2019 #2 If you can do any upgrading like this to a Gameboy, it's definitely news to me. These are extremely proprietary devices. Upvote 0 Downvote
If you can do any upgrading like this to a Gameboy, it's definitely news to me. These are extremely proprietary devices.
TerryLaze Titan May 9, 2016 10,048 2,720 73,440 Dec 15, 2019 #3 From the game boy wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_Boy_family#Game_Boy_Pocket GB color GB pocket/original 4 or 8 MHz 8-bit Zilog Z804.19 MHz 8-bit custom Sharp LR35902 Upvote 0 Downvote
From the game boy wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_Boy_family#Game_Boy_Pocket GB color GB pocket/original 4 or 8 MHz 8-bit Zilog Z804.19 MHz 8-bit custom Sharp LR35902