Does anyone know where I can find a reference 270x/280/280x?

Sure! Both Sapphire and Asus sell pure reference models of all AMD cards. The only difference is that they have the company logo on the reference cooler. Same reference cooler, same reference price!

Hope I helped!
Sure! Both Sapphire and Asus sell pure reference models of all AMD cards. The only difference is that they have the company logo on the reference cooler. Same reference cooler, same reference price!

Hope I helped!

Managed to find like reference 290s and I didn't know the 280x never had a blower style cooler, but thanks nonetheless
From what I remember not many were produced. The card is essentially a 7970 refresh, so many manufactures were able to simply carry their existing coolers and designs directly over to the 280x. Its not like the 290x that had to have a new cooler developed around it.

I never said the 290x had to have a new cooler developed around it. I was saying that they had reference blower style cooler designs and that the 280x specifically didn't have a reference blower style cooler..

Ok. I'm just saying in the post I had asked if the 280x had a reference design(blower stlye) and I was mistaken in thinking that the 280x had one. Sorry for the confusion.