Does changing system time affect software installations


Dec 29, 2015
I am doing a course, and the instructions tell me to set my system time back a few years. By doing this would it not affect the software installations, especially the ones I subscribe to like Windows and Office? As they are live connected to the net to verify and authenticate. The reason I am asking, is that I had a computer a couple of years back and I hadn't used it for a few months, when I fired it up I saw a message that Windows was not legal or similar... I could see the the clock was showing the wrong time, date even year, changed the batter and re-set the clock and it was fine... but for this exercise not that everything is Live Connected, would I not get nasty messages if I were to change to clock back a year or two?
i would doubt it, just be extra safe and don't open unnecessary programs while the time is set back