Does Cooler Master Hyper 412 Slim Cooler fit in ASUS MAXIMUS VII HERO mobo?

Rajib Gain

Jun 13, 2015
Hyper 412 Slim is said to fit with 1150 sockets as well. But does it fit in Asus Maximus Hero VII board,, as it has some heat sinks around the Processor side

Thanks for the reply... but the PDF u have linked here shows the official supported list for 1150 sockets exclusively 🙁 COOLERMASTER -TPC 812 ,V4 GTS ,V6 GT, X6

I just looked at the compatible list of coolers listed for the MB, chose those of the same manufacturer. Then took a glance at them and saw that they're generally the same. Initially the 412 specs says it supports the 1150, but if you look at the user manual there isn't a set of instructions listed for the 1150. Generally you'll find multiple 'adapters'/'retention plates' with these system and it's just a matter of mounting it right. Without specifics in the user manual means you'll have to contact them about the discrepancy . ASUS has been around for a long time - and I haven't had any compatibility issues with anything they make, but you never know!

Thanks man... The issue is I am upgrading my PC from a 775 socket of quad-core build to core i7 4790k build. CM Hyper 412 Slim is already installed with my present build 775 socket . So was confused if I can use my Cooler it if I go for ASUS Maximus VII Hero....or have to buy a new one.

So keeping my fingers crossed that 412 would fit Maximus VII Hero.... 😀