Does cpu bottleneck GPU?


Sep 27, 2015
Well hello,couple days ago I bought brand new GTX 650 ti 1gb DDR5 Directcuu2 asus edition.And I have 550w psu with core 2 duo 2.20ghz overclocked to 2.83.And my cpu temp is great cpu is cold and gpu temp doesnt go more than 30* bcs it has 2 big coolers on it.So with my old shity gpu GT 610 2gb ddr3 i was playing cs go with 60 70 fps and now its almost the same only this time fps doesnt go under 60 but in other games I tested that i couldnt play on gt I can almost max them.And I checked to se if my cpu bottleneck my gpu i cant see a 100% usage at all it doesnt go more than 60% and gpu also.First I got on my mind is that I have windows 8.1 64bit with full shit on it bcs i didnt format it more than one year.Then I got on mind that I have 3gb ram not 4 and that could be also the prb.Can u guys tell me what is the problem?I am currently downloading more games to test.And soon I will get the new motherboard with new cpu.But for now I just want to fix this if its possible.Sorry for this "short" text.Thanx.