does cpu overclocking affect the performance of GPU?


Nov 30, 2016
I currently overclocked my strix gtx 1080 to 2100 Mhz, but have not overclocked my CPU yet, after i overclock CPU, will it affect my overclock on the GPU

If it crashes or artifacts at any moment it means its unstable you need to run it overnight preferably and if it does not crash your good...

how do i find out whether it is stable or not, ik that when gpu is not stable it freeze or quit the apps I'm running but how bout cpu

Just like a GPU CPU needs a long stress test preferably overnight to run it at 100% to see if it errors or crashes.

What CPU ? What board ?
If its a locked chip on a cheap board I wouldn't honestly bother with blck overclocking , you'll likely only get 300mhz Max.

If it a k chip & a z board then you'll be multiplier overclocking anyway in which case nothing else is affected so you can go as high as your board/CPU/cooler will allow.

oh really, u need to run overnight test? cuz i ran a bunch of 5 min heaven benchmarks, and yes it crashed at 2100 Mhz, but when I run games at 2100 Mhz it was perfectly fine, i guess because it only use like 60-70% GPU instead of 100% like the benchmark

chip - i7 6700k
board - Asus maximus viii formula z170 mobo


do i have to add voltage to multiplier overclocking?

If it crashes or artifacts at any moment it means its unstable you need to run it overnight preferably and if it does not crash your good to go. You will most likely encounter all kinds of problems in games if you just ran it for 5minutes and it crashed at that too....
