Does games have to be installed on a OS drive?

Jan 19, 2019
So i got two drives, 1st is my main Win10 drive which i'm currently logged and booted in) and the 2nd drive is my Games drive which has more storage because nowdays games are getting bigger and bigger.

But the thing is that the game drive doesn't have a window OS installed and is able to play games just fine so far,but i can't help but wonder if that's okay or not. I'm just worried that if in the future if i try to install games on the games drive there might be some issues with pathing or whatever problems it might arises.

So my question is, Does games have to be installed on a drive with an OS installed? or does it work fine without it?
in order asked

the games will work fine as is. the only caveat is that the games will only work with that windows install, you cannot move the games drive from system to system and expect the games to work. they will not.
in order asked

the games will work fine as is. the only caveat is that the games will only work with that windows install, you cannot move the games drive from system to system and expect the games to work. they will not.

Thank you so much,your answer relieves all my worries!
With Steam games, multiple drives is particularly easy:

Steam games location
In the steam client:
Steam Library Folders
Add library folder