Does gaming/using the computer increase nearsightedness?

does it increase nearsightedness? yes, it can.

if you use a computer excessively (such as at work all day and then at night when you get home) or look at any screen of any sort (be it a tv, video game console on a tv or a computer monitor or projector) your eyes are not focusing on a different focal plane so get used to a certain particular focal plane (close up) since that is what you use most often. in essence your eyes arent used to looking at far away objects so it might be hard to focus on them and things may appear blurry.

now this is a seperate issue from any eye damage or deterioration that it might cause which is what maddogfargo seems to be pointing at. in the case of this having a correct sized screen where nothing appears...
does it increase nearsightedness? yes, it can.

if you use a computer excessively (such as at work all day and then at night when you get home) or look at any screen of any sort (be it a tv, video game console on a tv or a computer monitor or projector) your eyes are not focusing on a different focal plane so get used to a certain particular focal plane (close up) since that is what you use most often. in essence your eyes arent used to looking at far away objects so it might be hard to focus on them and things may appear blurry.

now this is a seperate issue from any eye damage or deterioration that it might cause which is what maddogfargo seems to be pointing at. in the case of this having a correct sized screen where nothing appears so small that it causes eye strain can definitely help. however this doesnt do anything about your eyes losing the ability to focus well at farther planes.

i have definitely noticed over the years that my distance vision is not what it used to be. i worked in an office all day at the computer and my hobbies include watching movies, console gaming and using the computer so a screen of some sort is a large part of my day. while my distance vision was never great (not 20/20 vision) it is noticibly worse now than a few years ago.

now the good thing is that if you take breaks and do eye excercises you should be able to regain said ability to focus on farther away objects. the best remedy is to spend as much time away from a screen as you can. go for a walk, do activities that require you to use your whole depth of vision (different focal lengths). in general: get away from it all a bit more.