Does getting a new mobo means reinstalling the OS?


Jan 2, 2014
I'm pretty sure it does I just want to make sure. My asrock z77 I just bought last year doesn't support haswell architecture so I will eventually have to upgrade it when I want to put an i7 in. But until then even if I swap out CPUs, change cases, etc (which I will do later this year), all my data and what not should be solid right? Or will I have to wipe my SSD and reinstall the OS when I change CPUs in a few weeks?
Yes almost always. If the new one is the same as the old (maybe it broke) then no, otherwise yes. Not just the OS but all devices, drivers, programs...a clean install.
changing the mobo would require reinstalling but changing the cpu, ram, hdd or gpu does not need it. there are ways to avoid it with a new mobo but they can be tricky and may not work very well. it's always a good idea to do a fresh install with a new mobo in my opinion and experience.

so yes a new cpu/mobo will require a fresh windows install.

Okay good to know. That'll be a pain when it happens haha.

Okay that's what I figured. I've never switched out CPUs though so I wanted to make sure I got no surprises.