Does Gigabyte Ga-g41m-combo with Intel E7500 supports EVM evmt4g1333u86d ram ??


Sep 23, 2016
I want to upgrade my pc to 6gb i have kingston 2gb ddr3 installed can i be able to upgrade with 4gb 1333mhz Evm ram (evmt4g1333u86d) ???
He seems to know a little more than I about this. You could go 8 gigs at 1x8gb (according to pc partpicker, it is about 1 dollar cheaper), but from my experience most apps that use more than 4 gigs, really need more cpu power. I don't know what he's saying exactly about 8 chip vs 16 chip, but it really sounds like a lot headache for 6+ year old motherboard.

I would save for a new computer to be honest. I know you said ATM you can't afford one, weren't looking to build one. But You really won't see much performance boost for that mobo and most important that chip with 8 gigs ram.

I suggest saving for at least a devil's canyon Pentium "G3258". Ideally a 4th/5th/6th gen i5. You could honestly get a factory built PC capable oh handling...
Ok here's your problems.

1.) DDR3 is a "dual-channel/quadchannel (on six core boards)" memory, meaning it's always good to go in multiples of 2. I.e. 2/4/8/16 etc. etc. If you have 6 your memory will be dual channel and will be slower.

2.) You need to have a kit or at least the same model memory so they will work in sync and be counted as "dual channel". Other wise it will work in a diminished capacity.
I tried to do with only the evm ram and pc pc keeps on rebooting.... But when i install both of them pc starts but gets stuck at the windows logo and reboots... It is also okay if only 4gb stick runs well i can remove the 2gb one ... Any suggestions ??
If you want to upgrade your ram... either get 1 more of 4gb Kingston (even then it's not a guarantee). It has to be the same exact model. (You can return if it doesn't work).

Or, you can get a 2x memory kit (it will work 100% of the time). That way it can be dual channel, and you have more capacity. What kind of motherboard do you have? how fast is the Kingston?

Those are also other things consider usually 1600mhz is not a bad speed (most motherboard support this). Do you know what model cpu you have?
Well if you want more, I suggest going with 2x 4gb (regardless of brand) or 4x 2gb or 2x2gb (if you're happy with 4). If you don't want to deal with over clocking... get 1066mhz ddr3, and buy a kit at kit is more likely to work than miss match DRAM. I looked online you should be able to get a kit of 8gbs at around 30$.

TBH, I think its time to build a new pc. I looked around the new Pentiums (which are dual core) run at around $60~ and they are way better than yours. You'd need a new motherboard however. Any apps that require more than 4gbs of ram, will benefit from a better cpu (perhaps a i7 or i5).

If you give me a budget I can suggest a build.

A couple issues:

The ONLY 4GB DDR3-1333 modules on the QVL are A-DATA SU3U1333C4G9-B and Samsung M378B5273CHO-CH9.
I think you'll find these are lower density 16-chip modules. It's unreasonable to expect a high density 8-chip stick to work in such an old platform made well before such sticks were made.

Dual-channel is unnecessary when the 1066 FSB is 8.5GB/s which is LESS than a single channel of DDR3-1333 which is 10.7GB/s and in fact matches a single channel of DDR3-1066. So unless you are using the IGP or overclocking there is no benefit to going faster.
He seems to know a little more than I about this. You could go 8 gigs at 1x8gb (according to pc partpicker, it is about 1 dollar cheaper), but from my experience most apps that use more than 4 gigs, really need more cpu power. I don't know what he's saying exactly about 8 chip vs 16 chip, but it really sounds like a lot headache for 6+ year old motherboard.

I would save for a new computer to be honest. I know you said ATM you can't afford one, weren't looking to build one. But You really won't see much performance boost for that mobo and most important that chip with 8 gigs ram.

I suggest saving for at least a devil's canyon Pentium "G3258". Ideally a 4th/5th/6th gen i5. You could honestly get a factory built PC capable oh handling most of the workload your current pc can handle for a few $100 dollars.
before you buy any new todays memory for that old board may look this over ?

seems Kingston [in the link I gave] don't make compatible memory for them boards anymore and there only 2 or 3 kits left out there that ''may'' work if you can still get them ??

good luck

I think your better off with a new TODAY build in the long run


+1 Very few sticks available these days made with the low density memory ICs