Does hashrate stacks?


Dec 10, 2017
Hello , so the tittle is kind of the main subject.If an rx 570 has 20 MH/s (correct me if i am wrong please) 4 rx 570's on crossfire should have 80 MH/s right ? Also on more question , if a motherboard sais it has 4 way crossfire it means i can put 4 amd graphics cards right ? Thanks a lot everyone have a nice day.
Sol/s is jist another form of measuring mining rates.

But yes gpu power stacks as an absolute in mining.

You dont enable crossfire for mining use btw , there is a performance deficit if you do.

Just run them independently.

well let me explain this way
as i have Asus Maximus VII ranger motherboard it has 3 PCI-E slots
i have one GTX 1060@6GB in which i am getting 320-340 lets say 330 Sol/s
and another one 1070ti@8GB in this i am getting 520-550 lets say 540 sol/s so total will be 330+540=890 sol/s i am mining on

So if i have one pc with one motherboard that has 4 rx 570's 20 MH/s each 20x4=80 MH/s right ? Also what is sol/s ? BTW i want to mine Etherium.

yes you are right
just dont use the SLI or crossfire
just plug the GPU and power if needed thats it the miner will detect each gpu

But how do i do that do you know a videos ?

So i need 4 motherboards , 4 cpu's 4 power suplies etc ?
No, you just need one motherboard with at least 4 PCIe slots. And probably need to buy a few PCIe risers. One CPU, and one PSU capable of powering everything.

The point being made is the cards don't actually need to be put into crossfire/SLI mode which require at least x4 or x8 PCIe connections, respectively. For mining all you need is a PCIe x1 connection for each card.

Oh so i put the gpu's in the mother board plug them into the psu and i just don't enable crossfire right ? btw can you recomend me a psu for 4 rx570's
Yes, you just plug them all in and make sure you have AMD drivers installed, the miner will recognize them.

I don't know what is available, but I'd say you want a high quality, high efficiency 750+ W PSU. You'll also probably need to underclock/undervolt the cards to get stay under 750W.