does having gpu fans spinning at high speeds affect its life span?


Jul 21, 2018
ive been looking for a good fan curve for my gtx1080 and i see lots of people talk about how they set it to 20% for 20c, 40% for 40c, so basically a 1:1 ratio. Is this harmful for the card? Ive tried it and it spins REALLY loud. Which kinda worried me. But it did keep the card cool.
The card no. However the fans bearings might wear slightly faster than if left at default settings.

To be fair the GPU is designed to go up around 70-80c. I leave my GTX 1080 Strix fan profile at stock and it never gets super loud.
I'm still a novice when it comes to anything pc related so I guess I'll just keep the card at its default fan settings. I don't really mind the noise as long as the cards fine. Thanks :)