Does hp 8300 run hdd at sata 3?


Aug 20, 2011
I have recently bought hp 8300 desktop refurbished you can say from local market in Pakistan.

I need to know if hp 8300 desktop have any sata 3 ports or are they just sata 2
I recently bought seagate barracuda hdd 1tb brand new and well it is sata 3.
Sure it is working as main and rest on it but is it really working on 6gb/s or 3gb/s .
Cables are black ..... also how can I check if cables support sata 3 speed of 6gb/s or does it downgrade to 3gb/s
As when u see asus h61 few models I checked are only sata II , sure my new will downgrade to sata II but it will not run on sata 3.

So any way to check on it as I read in one forum that the hp don't put proper info on their pages...
And how to check if that cable is 6gb/s support not 3gb/s supported only.

Can you recommend how to test benchmark and what to look for and which free software to use