Does Intel DG41WV Works with 2*2 DDR3 1333 mhz sticks?


Apr 28, 2017
Hello everyone, I have an old PC that I want to use it. It has an Intel DG41WV motherboard in it. Before it has a 2GB Kingston DDR3-1333 stick in it. It works fine all the time, But 2 GB is to little.😀 So I decided to buy a matching stick and install it. After install it the PC boots. When I checked the bios it says that only one stick is installed. I tried swapping the sticks around and still the same. I even test both of the sticks on another PC. Both are fine. So then I tried a new stick that I buy more for it. Now the motherboard beep 3 times (Memory Error?:??:) So I tried everything I can but it doesn't work. Then I end up with only 2 GB of ram. :fou:

Well, I already know that it supports 1066/800 mhz sticks. But the 1333 sticks work on it.

So anyone know that does the mobo support the 2*2 DDR3-1333 sticks?

Look, if you see this specs link from Intel it says that only support 1066MHz RAM. But yes, does support 4Gb

Sometimes the mother take the RAM with more frecuency, they just used it more slowly.

Did you try jus one sitck of the new ram alone to see if it boot and then do the 3 beeps?? If is this the case, run Hiren's boot cd and do a memtest86 with the new ram stick ONLY. And probably you will detect that the RAM is in bad shape.

Al the memory stick are the same model/part?
Well, yeah all the ram sticks are the same model and work fine.But there's a problem. My pc doesn't have CD slot. Or Floppy either. So can I put memtest86 in my USB flash drive?

I am also using network boot and there's no hdd inside. so I just wanna fix it without wasting my money on this thing.

Yeah you can boot it up from a USB, look it up, I think that memtest page as a tutorial on how to format the usb, but becareful coz you can fix the usb in small storage.

But I was thinking and first, let's go back to chack something you done.

- You know that the computer boot up with the OLD stick of RAM only? on both slots?
- You know that the computer boot up with the NEW stick of RAM only? on both slots?
- When you have the 3 beeps in post?
- You're sure the BIOS is properly config for 2 sticks od RAM at 1066?
Well yeah. The first 2 of them works in any slot alone. The third doesn't work on this machine.

I will upload bios screen tomorrow as i'm going to bed right now. (It's night right now)

That would be great, you could try to load defaults setting for the mobo to.

it's 1pm here
I Used Memtest86 and turns out all of the ram sticks are working correctly if I only put one stick of ram in. If I put 2 at the same time the bios and Memtest86 doesn't see the second stick. It doesn't matter which slot or which stick. But here's the bios settings that I can see
(how to post img? im new to this forum)
I also included ram installation

It seems like if I change ram speed It will beep 3 times and I have to reset bios. Then I will still be the same.