S sai krishna S Reputable Feb 17, 2015 1 0 4,510 Feb 17, 2015 #1 I want to know that my motherboard Intel DH61WW supports the EFI/UEFi boot?
Solution Phillip Corcoran Feb 17, 2015 Yes it does but It depends on the existing BIOS version. You may need to update the BIOS to get UEFI.
Yes it does but It depends on the existing BIOS version. You may need to update the BIOS to get UEFI.
Phillip Corcoran Titan Moderator Sep 7, 2013 26,068 897 120,140 Feb 17, 2015 Solution #2 Yes it does but It depends on the existing BIOS version. You may need to update the BIOS to get UEFI. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
Yes it does but It depends on the existing BIOS version. You may need to update the BIOS to get UEFI.