Does microsoft windows 2007 work on 64 bit windows 7?


May 2, 2011
Hello,i just purchased an unopened 2007 microsoft office. it clearly states does not work with 64 bit systems.

what i want to know in th next 2 days is if does microsoft windows 2007 work on 64 bit windows 7 without normal glitches?
before i can't return it. any help would be appreciated.


You Need a 64 bit office for a 64 bit windows 7

You need 32 Bit office For 32 Bit windows 7

64 bit kicks ass (uses more than 4 gig ram)

Some versions of office have both the 32 bit and 64bit setup files on the disk but sound like you one dosent

So SORRY But NO it wont work For Your Set up

But a 64 bit 2007 office will work fine

You Need a 64 bit office for a 64 bit windows 7

You need 32 Bit office For 32 Bit windows 7

64 bit kicks ass (uses more than 4 gig ram)

Some versions of office have both the 32 bit and 64bit setup files on the disk but sound like you one dosent

So SORRY But NO it wont work For Your Set up

But a 64 bit 2007 office will work fine
hey thanx for the reply. I am a waay newbie. It is micrisift standard home addition for a copac 2009 presario that I was told. by someone reading the box of the new standard 2007 old version that, my 64 bit MGz computer won't work with it. Should I send it back?

Hi Mate
if it states that it wont work on the box id send it back
BUT if i was you id download open office for free and use that its just as good as office 2007 just not quite as pretty but just as functional
Heres the link
Might save you some money

Hi Again
I just found out that theoretically your office should work but it will only run in 32 bit mode not 64 bit but i have not tryed this myself so its up to you
like i said return it and use open office why pay microsoft for glichy software when you can get it for free lol
in her question she states That on the box it said that it dose not support 64bit systems
now to my knowledge your right it properly will work on win 7 64bit pro but i deal with enterprise and education versions of office / Windows 7 and have never had the box from a retail version or the HOME version That im guessing she has to look at

Because as we all know HOME versions of Anything Can be, and normally are Different with what they support

now if it states it will not work on the box im not going to tell him it will work when it might not
also it depends on what version of 64bit win 7 he has as there all different with what they can do / support

Oh and i smoke GOOOOOOOOD Stuff

Muwhahahahahahahahahahahahaha 😀