Hello everyone
I have seen people saying that the mobo affects the performance of overclocking.
Is this true.
I am not trying to reach maximum overclock, just want to so i can hold off on buying a new cpu for a while.
I plan on getting an 212 evo
I have a fx-6300
and the mobo is https://pcpartpicker.com/product/HGK7YJ/asus-motherboard-m5a97ler20bom
I have seen people saying that the mobo affects the performance of overclocking.
Is this true.
I am not trying to reach maximum overclock, just want to so i can hold off on buying a new cpu for a while.
I plan on getting an 212 evo
I have a fx-6300
and the mobo is https://pcpartpicker.com/product/HGK7YJ/asus-motherboard-m5a97ler20bom