Does my i3 6100 affect my gtx 1060's performance?


Feb 3, 2017
I have a gtx 1060 (No OC 3gb gddr5)and a i3 6100 cpu with an 8gb ddr4 2133hz and a hdd 1tb blue wd drive. I get extremely weird frame stutters. A friend of mine has the exact EXACT same gpu as mine but a i5 6400 and a better motherboard and a 250gb ssd. His fps in game is fine and it matches to notebookcheck's fps stats on games. However, my fps CSGO Max settings on 1080p) is significantly lower than his and i benchmarked my computer with fire strike and i got a score 2500 points lower than the score displayed on notebookcheck. So what is affecting my game? is the entire game loaded on the ram stick and there is some other reason for frame stutters other than the slow reading from the hdd? or is it a bad cpu?

Operating System: Windows 10 Home 64 Bit (10.0, Build 14393)
Language: (English)
System Manufacturer: System Manufacturer
System Model: System Product Name
BIOS: 0403
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6100 CPU @ 3.70GHZ(4CPUs), - 3.7 GHZ
Memory: 8192MB RAM
Page File" 3318MB Used 8296 Available
DX: DirectX 12

Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Chip Type: GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
DAC Type: Integrated RAMDAC
Device Type: Full Display Device
Approx Total MemoryL 7075 MB
Current Display Mode 1920 * 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)
Model: Generic PnP monitor
DirectDraw, Direct3D and AGP Texture Acceleration are enabled
The system with the better CPU is going to run higher frames in games that are easy to run (such as csgo) but your cpu should not have trouble running that game at all.

Your cpu either works or it does not (and crashes hard). You do not have a 'bad' cpu. Hell, it could be a borked Windows installation. It could be a lot of things.
CPU&cooler: Custom CPU Cooler and Intel factory shipped have the same performance
Motherboard: Asus B150M-A/ M.2 slot
Ram: ADATA 8GB 2133 So-DIMM DDR4
GPU: GTX 1060 Galax (NO OC) 3GB GDDR5
PSU:550 W
Chassis: Some random off-shore chassis.
OS: Windows 10 Home 64 Bit.
Monitor: Sony Tv 1920x1080-_-
PSU is 87% Effiecient 550W I dunno the brand- its brand new and its from china its good my friend used the exact same one. and im gonna do whatever i need to do for the ddu uninstallation now. however i did uninstall the old drivers in control panel- uninstall a program and reinstalled a new driver from a dvd - however the driver only allowed me to install geforce experience and the control panel for the gtx 1060.
its not letting me create a language edited by moderator post(Failed to Create Post) WHAT INFO DO YOU NEED I WILL GIVE.
Case: H440 By NZXT dunno why you need that. PSU is legit its working. it works on my friends computer. just tell me whats limiting my gpu. is it the motherboard?
Mind your language, you can see a vacation from the forums for use of vulgarity. We can all understand you're frustrated with your predicament but we're only trying to rule out other factors, factors that will potentially hold you back, one of which is your drivers. On that note we all post here on a voluntary basis so please be patient when we're getting around to all the other posts on the forums.

PSU's come in many shapes and sizes and most of them also come with various labels stuck onto them. Like all components in a system, a quality component will ensure that you're coming back to a system that will power back up after shutdown. If you're relying on a generic PSU that can take out your system like the 4th of July fireworks session, this thread is moot and our suggestions mean squat.

Now to your previous question, if you've followed through standard protocol of using DDU to uninstall and reinstalling your GPU drivers with the latest drivers for your new GPU+making sure your OS isn't corrupt and the rest of your drivers are up to date and you're yet not being able to play CS:GO then you've got a problem since the 6th Gen i3 is more than capable of being an esports gaming capable CPU.
^ Further reading

Don't be surprised if a benchmark score for your CPU is lower than the score found off an i5 system since they differ in terms of CPU architecture. Have I gone as far as asking you to open task manager in Windows 10 to see how much resources your system is consuming when idle?

There is a checklist of things to go through before one comes in and says that it's bad or good. Period.
Sorry about the language. Ok how do you know if you have a corrupt windows install? 5%-10% on idle. Ok the PSU comes from a pretty big chinese company- i just didnt want to complicate things. And like i said, my friend has the exact EXACT PSU and higher tier motherboard(Z170) and i5 skylake (not OC-able) same GPU but significantly higher fps on same graphical settings. Were talking 100-50fps different both WITH multiCPU core rendering on.- does that affect anything? cuz the cpu is only under 50% load when the game is on.
Why are you comparing your friends system to your's? Is it identical in every way(we also don't know of his full specs)? Outside of your GPU, it's not. About the PSU, it's yet unclear what you big of a Chinese branded PSU is this unit that you can't link us to a product page? 50% on your system or your friend's system...this is getting confusing.
That usually fails to work. Recreate your bootable USB installer for Windows 10 and then reinstall your OS> Make sure you've backed up your critical content.

* You didn't get back to my previous question about the 50% CPU usage...was that on your friends system or your system?