Does my i7 3820 (OC'ed at 4.9ghz) still good for 2014/2015?


Jul 12, 2012
So, here's the story, in Q1 2013,

I built a PC for my productivity work (videos, 3D, etc). with these spec.

CPU : i7 3820 (OC'ed to 4.9 ghz)
RAM : 16GB Corsair Doms
GPU : GTX 670.
and all the other appropriate hardware paired with this built.

So, is my build still viable till end of 2015 (or the future?)

I mean, DDR4 is coming, Haswell EE is coming, 3D decoding, video decoding and all the other new encoding codes are coming up in the future I assume;

so, just wanted to ask you guys opinion on my CPU.
Do you guys still think it's kick ass? :)
thanks guys for your opinion! I am duly aware (based on ya'll opinion that my i7 3820 is still kicking some serious ass.. :)

@CTurbo : yeah... waiting for Nvidia's Maxwell GPU's.. :)

@Rob_Sacamano : Noted Uncle Rob sir!

@Cons29 : haha, I hope that when all the DDR4 and new video coding or whatever new stuff that comes out, my 4.9ghz CPU is still going to kick some serious ass.. But judging from the incremental performance of Sandy Bridge until Haswell, i doubt in 2 years time a 5ghz CPU wont be able to compete with the new CPU architectures...

@RobCrezz : yeah man, I am tempted too.. 🙁 but i hope i would be able to thwart the temptation.. because i chose to build around the i7 3820 based on my needs, budget, and my desire to have a budget socket 2011 rig.. :)

so if its true what I see in your profile you have a seidon 120m cooler and you say you are running at 4.9ghz with a i7 3820?? I say b...shit that you can keep it cool at that speed and cooler in a stress test. or you have a very low vcore