does my mobo have a dead battery?


Aug 27, 2013
So basically every time my computer gets turned off or goes into sleep mode, when I start it back up the time is the same time as when it got turned off. I guess would mean I have a dead mobo battery? Is this easy to replace? I have an Asus z87-a, and its less than 2 months old
At first I was going to say it sounded like a dead CMOS battery but since it is saving the last shutdown time that doesn't seem correct. Typically when the CMOS battery dies the date defaults back to BIOS creation date and the time goes to 00:00:00. And since it's only 2 months old it doesn't seem likely the battery is dead, although Asus could have gotten a bad battery.

First check the internet time setting. If you have a clock on your taskbar, left single click it and then click "Change date ands time settings". If not go to Control Panel and select "Date and Time".

Go to the "Internet Time" tab and click the "Change Settings" button. Make sure the "Synchronize with..." box is checked and a time server is selected. Click the "Update Now" button and then click the OK button.

Then go into Task Scheduler from the Control Panel and navigate to Task Scheduler Librabry->Microsoft->Windows in the left tree panel. Then expand the Windows branch and look for "Time Synchronization". Left single click that item to show it in the right pane and then click it in the right single click the right pane entry and select Properties.

In that window select the Triggers tab and double left click the trigger to set the properties. In your case you probably want to set it to "At Logon".
so update: I was afk for like 20 min and the PC now says 11:20 instead of 12:15. My Internet time is set correctly, and to the correct time zone, and the box is checked. I'm going into the task scheduler now. The only thing is, this NEVER happened before a few days ago. I haven't changed any of these settings, so idk why all of a sudden it would not be working
Is this malware by any chance? I have my Kapersky on and up to date. The only time I've paused protection was for 5 minutes when installing Windows DirectX when starting new games I got from the Steam Sale.

also is there any way to check the battery level from bios or something? Just to confirm that it is not in fact a dead battery?
how do I go about returning it? I personally didn't buy it, it was a present for my bday back in April. Is there any other troubleshooting I could do before having to send my board in though? I'd like to avoid going weeks without my computer.