Does my motherboard have a PCI-Ex16 slot?


Jan 9, 2017
I just want to know if I have a PCI-Ex16 slot cuz I was thinking about getting a graphics card but im not sure if i should because I dontt know if have a PCI-Ex16 slot. My motherboard model is K30BF-M32BF_A_F_K31BF_6. Just tell me if you need more information.
Just one more question do you know if my power supply has 6-pin power cord? My computer is ASUS K31BF. I'm sorry I'm really bad at computers.


According to the specs, you should have a 350W PSU. That is right at the break point where manufacturers start adding the 6-pin connector. Some do, some don't depending on the PSU's +12V rail specs. Only way to know for sure is to open the machine and pull out the unused cables from where they have been shoved for storage. Or maybe they just bundled them together and tie-wrapped them in plain sight.