Does My Motherboard Not Have Any HDMI/VGA?Video Out Ports...?


Aug 4, 2018
So I'm going to build my first PC and I planned out all the parts on PCBuilder. Once i raise the money over the next couple months, I'll be actually building it. Everything was fine, except 90% of the motherboards I wanted were either $300 or not offered anywhere new and were all used or refurbished.

I originally picked my CPU then motherboard, but it seemed that my CPU was limiting my motherboard choices, which was weird.

I deleted the CPU i originally wanted and picked a new motherboard:

MSI - 970 GAMING ATX AM3+ Motherboard

But the issue is that there are no video ports on the motherboard! I don't see any VGA or DMI ports and those middle slots dont look like HDMI ports. How would I connect a moniter?

I'm actually looking to do dual or maybe triple displays (stick to dual for now) and I desperately need at least 2 HDMI ports on my motherboard.

Are those middle things HDMI ports or what?

If you can recommend a motherboard, here's what I'm looking for:
- minimum of 4 usb 3.0 (more the better)
-minimum of 2 usb 2.0
-minimum of 2 HDMI ports
-one ethernet port
-can support minimum of 16 GB of RAM, 32 is preferred

P.S - Originally I was using Intel Core i7 as my CPU, since I've used Intel all my life, but once I picked this as my motherboard, all my CPU options changed to AMD, something I've never heard of. Regardless, here is my build:

Will this even work..?
The motherboard only offers video ports if the compatible processors or (in the case of old tech) the board itself has integrated video. Your video will be provided by the graphics card you choose. Btw, the system you spec'd out is way over-priced for old technology. Stay with your original Intel plan or choose AMD Ryzen.


The motherboard only offers video ports if the compatible processors or (in the case of old tech) the board itself has integrated video. Your video will be provided by the graphics card you choose. Btw, the system you spec'd out is way over-priced for old technology. Stay with your original Intel plan or choose AMD Ryzen.


Aug 4, 2018

Thank you, I actually ended up making another PC build with most of the same parts, but I used a processor and motherboard a guide on PCPartPicker gave.

Do you think this is worth the price? And how solid do you think the graphics will be... like compared to the other two builds? Anything wrong with this one?

Instead of buying 2 single sticks of ram, get a matched kit. As Ryzen is kind of picky of ram, it will be a LOT simpler if your ram already matches. getting unmatched ram to work is problematical at best and impossible at worst. Buy a set that is, by its nature, guaranteed to work. Also try to get faster ram (3000-3200MHz) as Ryzen is more sensitive to ram than Intel and performs better with the faster ram..
I would also recommend getting a better PSU. Anything from tiers 1 or 2 in the 500-600 watt range from this list
The PSU is the heart of your system, without it NOTHING works! The PSU is the only component that, if it fails, can destroy ALL of your other components. Never "Cheap out" on the PSU, it is false economy!



Aug 4, 2018

I didnt know exactly what GPU to get out of the two types another user listed, so I just went with the best reviewed one. Another user recommended I highly upgrade my power supply, which I didn't know was so important because I didn't expect to use that much power. I also want to faster RAM but I don't know what to get since Ryzen apparently works better with matched RAM. Here is my new GPU in the list:

Do you have an exact one you'd recommend on PCPartPicker?

I am going to get this PSU since that's what a LinusTechTIps guide said was one of the top tier ones -

That is a very good PSU. but way overkill at 850 watts. As I said before, 500-600 watts would be enough for your build. Nothing bad will happen if you get and use the 850 watt PSU, you just don't need that many watts.
As for Ram, here is a list:,403200&Z=8192002,16384002&m=17
Get at least a 2x4GB Kit(8GB total ram). A 2x8GB kit (16GB total) would be nice.



Aug 4, 2018

Here's the RAM added to my list - 16GB:

What are your thoughts on the GPU?