Does my power supply affect my GPU performance?


Feb 5, 2014
Hi, I am going to buy a new motherboard to support my AMD7970 graphics card and AMDFX8320 CPU and I have a Corsair CX500 Watt PSU and I wanted to know If the wattage of the PSU will not allow the graphics card to perform properly. Because I still receive lag on battlefield 3 even without the settings maxed out.
My current MOBO: MSI 760gm-p23FX
P.S Im not sure which motherboard would be the best and cheapest to buy.
Can some please help. Thanks.
could be a number of things but psu power and quality can affect it. try for 600w 80+ bronze or better. also update all drivers, bios, and optimize setting ingame. also a good idea to ceck if you security software recognizes the game as safe otherwise wile its running the security sofware will be scanning it for isues and slowing the whole system. also check ram requirements for gam and see if you are at or above recomended not minimum

Yes but I have 8GB ram and apparently my PSU limits the performance of the graphics card, and I just want to confirm that this is the issue before I buy new one.