500watt PSU, full tower, GIGABYTE GeForce 6800GT, amd athlon 64 3200+, gigabyte ga-k8nsc-939 mobo, corsair xms 1gb or so ram x 2 sticks. I bought this on a whim to fool around with got it for 30 bucks.
It does POST I can go to BIOS ive tried installing windows xp, 7, 10 linix distros and android. On windows xp is the farthest ive gotten it actually installs to the HDD and when the splash screen with the bar on the bottom comes up it goes black and does not respond sometimes the video just goes out and on all the rest of the OS's it freezes almost immediately or the video goes out. I have no idea what this could be. thanks for reading
It does POST I can go to BIOS ive tried installing windows xp, 7, 10 linix distros and android. On windows xp is the farthest ive gotten it actually installs to the HDD and when the splash screen with the bar on the bottom comes up it goes black and does not respond sometimes the video just goes out and on all the rest of the OS's it freezes almost immediately or the video goes out. I have no idea what this could be. thanks for reading