Does power line slow down speeds?


Oct 29, 2015
I have recently moved into a different room, far away from my router, and cannot move the router. I had used Ethernet when I was directly next to the router, but now that I am all the way across the house, I am running out of options.
I just discovered power line networking
I HEAVILY play PC games and download things, so would power line networking not be the way to go?
Does power line networking provide reliable speeds and not slow it down?
Is using a wireless router out of the question? Are you in a residential building, like a house or an apartment, or a more of a dorm like setting?
I use a dual band router and my pc is one floor above and I connect perfectly on the 5ghz band.
The "bedroom" is the furthest away and one floor above my router and generally our tablets and phones connect on the 2.4ghz band just fine, with only the occasional issue.
Keep in mind, I'm in typical townhouse setting with typical construction.

I've only read about powerline networking and remember that early on they were pretty bad, but many improvements have been made. I believe MaximumPC did a roundup awhile ago and some did pretty well.
It's very dependant on the house wiring. It works well on outlets on the same circuit. Across multiple circuits especially with arc fault breakers it does not work as well. Appliances can also cause interference. But it's usually fast enough for internet and preferable to WiFi.