Does Running 144hz on all 3 screens increase load on the GPU?

Aug 30, 2018
Hello, i know this might be a bit of a nooby question however i am just curious. I am currently running my main monitor at 2560x1440p and my 2 side monitors at 1920x1080p with all 3 running at 144hz. does running my 2 side monitors at 144hz increase the load on the GPU compared to running them at 60hz?

Also is it recommended to run your side screens through your onboard graphics to reduce load on your GPU?

Thanks in advance
For display? Not really. If you gaming on 3 monitors all for 144hz, I doubt it can handle. If you only game 144 on 1, no issues.
Technically, yes because it has to render the home screen and anything else on the screen. Functionally, unless you have a garbage GPU no it wont really affect too much if youre just on browsers and such for the other 2 screens.