I've read some mixed forums on voltage being a card killer over time but i'm curious if that's only because it makes the card run hotter. I just built my first pc and it's caseless atm, my cpu is an i5 6500 and gpu is a Zotac GTX 1060 6gb. When I play gta v for a few hours my card can get up to 75c and doesn't go any higher, but since my pc is caseless and it's winter i decided to put a tube from my window straight in front of my gpu fan. It's roughly 17-22 degrees out and when I do this and play gta v or any other game for extended periods of time the temps never reach over 45c. So basically my question is am I hurting my card have voltage set to 100%, even though the gpu never goes over 50c under max load. Also, when I game i check the "Force Constant Voltage" is MSI Afterburner. Thank you, and sorry for the long post.
In case anyone was wondering
In case anyone was wondering