K Kalia_gyu Reputable May 6, 2015 1 0 4,510 May 6, 2015 #1 Someone looked up porn on my phone and I had to delete it all. The account on my phone is my dad's and now i think im in trouble because my mom said "he sees it all" I deleted a whole mass. Was there any way for him to find out?!
Someone looked up porn on my phone and I had to delete it all. The account on my phone is my dad's and now i think im in trouble because my mom said "he sees it all" I deleted a whole mass. Was there any way for him to find out?!
Phillip Corcoran Titan Moderator Sep 7, 2013 26,069 897 120,140 May 6, 2015 #2 We are not getting involved with that - - THF does not exist for that purpose. Thread closed. Upvote 0 Downvote