M Mdsyza Reputable Jan 21, 2016 1 0 4,510 Jan 21, 2016 #1 Gigabyte GA-H97-HD3 Moterboard Support Kingston HyperX Savage 1866 or 1600
syked3 Reputable Jul 7, 2015 922 0 5,660 Jan 21, 2016 #2 Your motherboard will support both, bear in mind if run at stock settings that RAM will run at 1600 but enabling XMP/overclocking it will enable you to run it at 1866. What are the rest of your specs? Upvote 0 Downvote
Your motherboard will support both, bear in mind if run at stock settings that RAM will run at 1600 but enabling XMP/overclocking it will enable you to run it at 1866. What are the rest of your specs?