Does the media truly think we cant tell?

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Id be ashamed to raise the media as truth bearers, especially when camped on my street, so to speak.
Is this just entertainment, or is journalism dead?
It must matter to some, but of course theres those who still believe
Truly shameful

If someone says anything a to someone not their color, the medias there
If someone says something to someone thats not their sex, the medias there
If someone helps a poor person not their color, the medias there
If someone of not the right color speaks of things that they "shouldnt", the medias there.

Weakness comes from lack of doing, not being there and saying.

Obama is back in court to prove it, that's what the GOP wanted right? Not to mention, it's television, and television is a product.

That was my take too... wtf are they debating now? The only thing left is explaining their personal lives... I mean, if "The Newt" is going to berate Romney for his tax returns, why can't it be brought up that he has absolutely not credibility, whatsoever, and was even thrown out of Congress by his own peers? Does none of that matter? Oh, that's right, it only matters when you are self absorbed, completely disconnected borderline-open-racist that caters to the evangelical right. So what we have again is him side stepping any actual answers about this and flat out denying it. Why would this story come up from his ex-wife? If she's out right lying, what did he do to drive her to such a heinous and low down act? More so, it's a he-said/she-said argument and sounds a lot like the Herman Cain sexual scandals... But he's just an innocent victim too, he didn't really do all those things to alllllllllllllllllllllllll those women. The only person with credibility on that stage was Ron Paul, and if you notice the media doesn't talk about him at all... why? Because he doesn't give them ammunition; he's been on the same strident path for 20 freaking years. The sad part is, he's the most conservative of all of them, but also the most connected to the people he represents. But let's be honest here, the media uses what politicians give them, and Newt is a never ending stream of great material.

Did we somehow forget that television is a business? Did we miss the part that it's selling a product? That product is controversy, and society loves controversy. It's a simple equation.

I'm ashamed that the right can't stand behind the only person in their entire constituency that has any merit, but the right doesn't want merit, they want the most well connected and arrogant a$$H0l3 they can put in office who will trumpet the bible all while banging his mistress. Sex sells, and if Newt didn't have 2 ex-wives through extramarital affairs it wouldn't be an issue. Character; it's what's being talked about; Newt is only a character, he doesn't actually possess any.

And the irony of your last statement JDJ is that he was thrown out of congress by his own peers. He was "doing" alright; doing whoever he wanted and nothing for his country! It shows because he hasn't done ANYTHING in over a decade. He's a windbag, and Republicans love getting face fulls of hot air.

Hey, Im as American as malum pomum pie.
I like diversity, and we arent getting that.
If one says, well theres Fox, then theyre effectively saying, this is still all youre going to get, one sided approaches.
It just stinks, the outhouse has run over, and even some of the rats are fleeing

Check your facts, on whether he was wrong, found guilty or any such claims.
They didnt like him, as he wasnt a quiet behind the scenes guy, seen only when "they" decide its time.
Hes no angel, but he is an original, not some multi stamped out Chinese swag
I gotta say at least American politics are at least interesting/amusing. Canadian debates are boring as hell.

I don't think journalism is dead. It's just that there are so few real journalists now. It's kind of sad because it can really be a struggle to find unbiased information now days. That's including newspapers.

Of course he did that looks like a huge waste of time.

The case centers on whether Obama, whose father was Kenyan, qualifies as a “natural born citizen,” as required of a president under the Constitution. Some contend that “natural born citizen” means both of a presidential candidate’s parents must be U.S. citizens.

This is what its about......Seems kinda silly, seems like conservatives grasping at straw.

I will agree that journalism for television networks took a turn for the worst some time ago, but this is why I don't pay for television (and no I don't black box it). The only thing that is played on my TV is netflix. Like I've said before, all you have to do is read your news as the lot of you do as well, well that can be debated on what some of the crap posted on here isn't really news, but that's neither here nor there.

As for Newt, there was a former GOP congressman on NPR on Talk of the Nation and when asked about Newt he responded very eloquently saying that Newt always had ideas, but 1 out of every 20 or so you just had to ignore because it was so far out there. I think that says something, and not all bad for that matter. He may be quite the thinker in some regards, but he's fringe and not mainstream. If the Republicans really want someone who can beat out Obama, they need Romney in the candidacy because he's much more center of the road.

As for the Obama court case, I'm aligned with Wanamingo's thoughts on the manner.
Obviously, the president has more important things to do, whether theyre getting done or not.
However, this is placing a test of rules written down from the beginning, once the young country America could aford such ideas.
It could bery well set a precedent.

As for Newt, part of those 1 in twenty are against the mainstream machine that exists today
Make no mistake, Im not gungho for him, but maligning is maligning, and as its obvious Im not gungho for Obama, no one can try to tell me he hasnt done well in doing certain things, which doesnt make up for the perceived glaring weaknesses I see in him, but taking out bin Laden, thats a good show on his part
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