Does This GPU Work For This Game?

That GPU is terrible for gaming. It's very old and it doesn't even support dx11. It's probably worse than Intel HD 4000 series graphics. NFS MW 2012 is very hardware demanding (almost as much as Crysis 3), but that's because it's very poorly optimized. I would recommend at least a GTX 650, or if you can afford it, a GTX 750. I used to have a GTX 650 and it got around 20 fps on maxed settings. On lower settings (FXAA, post processing off, ambient occlusion off, shadows on low, high res textures, etc...) I got around 50 fps. For compatibility, can you post your CPU and PSU model?
My CPU is Intel(R) Core(TM) Duo CPU E7600 @ 3.06 GHz 3.07GHz, my computer is a Small Form Factor, I have 4gbs of ram, I don't know what my power supply is.
I don't plan on playing other games. The most I want to spend is $50, I know its not much but I'm not rich.

I was actually surprised to find this for $60 after the Rebate(if that's applicable to you).

That's probably the best deal you'll find but again,the PowerSupply information is needed.

Take the side off the tower and look for a sticker with the specs,or give me the PSU model number and brand,i can find it.
The GT 730 is slightly better for gaming than the 240. But, but you won't be able to run a R7 240 or GT 730 on that PSU. It's very low quality and I doubt it can even put out 200 watts safely on the 12v rail. You will need at least a 300 watt PSU to safely run most modern GPUs. Your system plus an R9 240 will draw an average of 243 watts under full load.
That PSU *will* work... for your pc, you don't really need anything fancy or expensive, but ideally to ensure the safety of your computer I would look at something like this:
It's not one of the high quality brands that people on this forum recommend, but Corsair is at least a tier 3 PSU. Stay away from the tier 5 brands like yours is. It's also only $20 after a $20 rebate. It's pretty much the cheapest 430 watt PSU in tiers 3/4.
Also gigabyte is a very reliable company that is known for it's great GPUs and mobos. I like their Windforce cooling system