Does this motherboard have inbuilt wifi?


Apr 26, 2018
Do all modern motherboards have wifi built into them now?

I was looking into the Gigabyte X470 Motherboard:

It does not mention anything about inbuilt wifi. Will I just have to buy a wifi dongle in order to use wifi? I would just plug an ethernet cable however where my router is placed and where my computer desk is just not possible.

Is there any sort of advantage/disadvantage to having a motherboard with inbuilt wifi. Like would the wifi be faster using inbuilt wifi motherboard than buying a usb dongle?

Should I invest into this motherboard which definitively does have wifi?

First one has no WIFI for sure. And you dont need a dongle, you get an antena to put on motherboards wifi connectors. So you dont need any USB dongle or what so ever.

Will that motherboard come with the antena that I can just put in myself? Or do I need to buy that separately?

Antena will come with the motherboard