I am considering to build my first ever pc. Im not really sure how well it will perform and would like to know if i should change anything before i buy all the parts.
Here is a list of all the part im planning to buy.
MSI-760GMA -P34
AMD fx-8320
EVGA GTX 950 ftw
Crucial Ballistic Sport 8gb
Kingston hyperX fury 120gb (and probably a cheap HDD)
EVGA 600b Bronze
Thermaltake Urban s1 Micro ATX
if i should make any changes please tell me
Here is a list of all the part im planning to buy.
MSI-760GMA -P34
AMD fx-8320
EVGA GTX 950 ftw
Crucial Ballistic Sport 8gb
Kingston hyperX fury 120gb (and probably a cheap HDD)
EVGA 600b Bronze
Thermaltake Urban s1 Micro ATX
if i should make any changes please tell me